As the end of the year comes into view, do you find yourself wishing you could just destroy your existing department, eliminate the old organizational chart and start out with a fresh, clean piece of paper upon which you could simply start over from scratch?
What is stopping you?
- Your department or division is not running as efficiently as it could (or should);
- Folks are in crisis;
- Cuts to people, positions and budgets have left things unrecognizable;
- People are doing more than one job (but for only one paycheck for 40-60 hours/week)
Then you should seriously think about a departmental redesign.
This is not something that can be done overnight or in a one-day off-site retreat. However – there ARE things to do and ways to create a fresh approach. You don’t have to limp into 2020 with a tired team and an ineffective methodology and structure for accomplishing departmental/divisional goals.
You will need to pay close attention to:
- Creating senior-level support and genuine buy-in for a departmental reorganization
- Designing a departmental structure that can meet organizational strategic goals and objectives
- Using departmental policies, procedures, and process to model organizational change
- Developing flexible job descriptions that demand needed skill sets now AND can evolve over time
- Building a collaborative team of individual star performers
- Attracting, selecting, hiring, and mentoring key staff
- Identifying similar as well as complimentary teams and skill sets in other departments that will complement and extend the impact of your department
- Evolving toward your ideal departmental structure even if you cannot start from scratch
Redesigning a department is not simple or easy so don’t view it as a panacea. You may make mistakes and missteps. Success lies in a departmental structure that is tied tightly to your company's strategic goals and objectives. You will have to walk the talk for a lot longer than you may think, but your ability to execute a successful departmental redesign can build credibility within your organization.